Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The last of Idaho summer festivities

Once upon a time there were three boys who wanted to catch a fish with their bare hands. So they did.

Fast forward a few years and those same boys want to catch a fish bare-handed yet again.

Jyson in blue

Jaydon in gray

And they did.

Getting out a little brotherly [friendly] aggression...I could really use one of these in the backyard...

and it wouldn't be a complete summer without a plastic picnic :)

Here is a pic of all of us outside the workshop of Leon Parson, who was 90% finished with the mural for the Rome, Italy LDS temple--INCREDIBLE!! (he's not allowed to have pics of it of course, too sacred!)

Also, if I ever figure out how to get my mom's pics from Dropbox on here (it hates me) I'll have more pics of horse-back riding...

Good-bye Idaho, thanks Dev & Sherilyn for getting married so we could have a reunion!

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