Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sheesh oh yikes.

Warning: the following images maybe too graphic for some tenderhearted souls (mum)
Day 1: Kiddo fine one second, the next totally screaming...ran into the living room & she was standing by the couch crying & bleeding. She still can't give me even a clue as to what happened! And lest you think a piece is missing, it's not...just split (it was more of a lightning bolt shape up her tongue a bit). The poor gal had a rough day.
 Day 2: I knew tongues healed quickly, but this was incredibly fascinating to me!
Day 5: Seriously, just as she was almost healed a couple days later (you can see a bit of it on the end of her tongue) she fell & hit her chin on the tub & (I assume) bit down into her tongue. More blood and crying. Wow. We were both emotional. How much can one little tongue take? She was a trooper this time around though...maybe she was used to the pain?! Poor kid.

Friend Fun

What's more fun than water & paintbrushes...for them and for me--favorite clean-up ever!
 Eyes closed & swishing her hair back, for some reason I think it's so cute!
The whole goal soon became to fill up their cups in the bathroom & come dump it on the sidewalk to 'paint' the entire thing...when the bathroom floor started looking/feeling like the pavement we were done

Thursday, July 18, 2013

4th of July: pictures being the main event, apparently...

"Let's get this party started!" (big, welcome change from last year in Idaho where she spent the majority of the time inside looking at fireworks from the window. Rhett was asleep :)
 Respectable, excited distance...

You know sometimes when you have adorable kiddos who are excited and don't want to take a picture, but Mom insists so you end up spending more time on the picture then on the actual event? 
 Kiddos: cute   Me: peek-a-boo?
 Rhett: cute, Ari: Whaa? Me: up the nose and...why do I look like I'm hiding behind Ari again?
 Ari: cute, Rhett: bug! Me: Arrgg...I'm going to get you matey...
Kiddos: ADORABLE! (see the sword fight goin' on?) Me: Cheeeessee
 Good enough. We're all happy pointing our whatever-they-are's at the camera :)

 Sharing the joy--look at those faces! My kind of fireworks :)
True love: fear in Rhett-meister and see how you can barely see Ari's sparkler from all the waving she's doing (& do you love her jammie pants as much as I do)? Our 4th's are usually pretty low-key since we have littles and no bigs (boys are always gone for it), but this was super enjoyable. Happy Birthday America, we're so glad we live here.

p.s. The Amish are totally into fireworks, who knew?