A visit from the laptop fairy, Uncle Pascal & Aunt Laura (my mom's bro)...they were getting new laptops and gave us one of the ones they were replacing!!! We are so grateful to have 2 working computers!

My mom's siblings and parents (minus Uncle Alain who passed away a few years ago)

My grandpa and all 3 of his brothers...
Rhett's first balloon animal of his own creation!

A little reverting never hurt anyone :)
Nana hugs

Temple square visit
And for dinner we got to go eat at an English Bakery near Temple Square compliments of a nice lady Tony got a Blendtec for--what a fun, unique experience!! So tasty!

We enjoy our 'green lemonade' in place of our green smoothies, but when I use Spring Mix and let it sit for a minute, all-of-a-sudden we get a lovely purple layer at the bottom :)

Thanks to Grandma Debby's Christmas money, Ari picked a cute dolly n' me outfit from Costco--love it!!!

So, Maeser was born with this little red bump on his ankle. Since it hadn't gone away by his 4 month mark I took him in to a a pediatric dermatologist who said it's a "Mastocytoma" (less scary than it sounds). It's an accumulation of white blood cells in one location that, when triggered, can cause a histamine reaction (when it gets rubbed it ends up looking like a mosquito bite which is another kind of histamine reaction). Anyway, when the dr rubbed it (to see if she could trigger a response to prove her theory correct), his face did this as well:

He flushes super bright red (and if the literature is correct he may have had a nauseated tummy as well, poor baby meanie doctor)
And here is Rhett's picture he wanted me to take of him to send to Uncle Andy (they gave us sticker faces for Christmas and Rhett decided to apply them to himself)