Woodburn had its official night of trick-or-treating on Saturday night instead of Sunday--how cool is that? So, the men-folk ran around the neighborhood for an hour while I passed out candy & readied we women for our night at the church's trunk-or-treat (I was asked to make sure it all ran smoothly that night, find chili judges for the cook-off & head the clean-up--no problem!). It was a fantastic turn-out & wow did we have crockpots of chili!! Good thing I brought cornbread :)

Isn't this cow adorable beyond words! Unfortunately we couldn't get her to moo...she still only does the snake & rooster sounds, go figure...

October brings with it 4 birthdays including our very own Tony--give him a hand, he's even more amazing at 34 than he was at 33!!

Here we have the boys waiting anxiously at the door for him to arrive home from work so they could perform the skit they prepared (I was the pioneer maiden-in-distress). The next picture is of Tony's memory-foam pillow he got--after two years of searching I finally found one like mine...denser than the norm & oh-so-delicious to sink into. We love our TonyDaddy!!!
you guys are such a cute family Jenna! I'm so glad for you! your boys are sure growing up! And how fun for them to have a cute little sis. have a good week.
What great Halloween costumes! The cow is adorable. A hissing cow is more awesome than a mooing cow anyway. Where did you finally find Tony's pillow?
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