Sunday, January 29, 2012

I was so glad/touched...this was one of the first presents the boys opened--the 'sentimental' gift from us, which was a photo book for the last 2 years & they both spent time looking through the entire thing before moving on to the other presents.
My personal favorites: the photo books, & then the presents they made for each other Jyson to Jaydon: a super-size, sturdy bug net (thank you google) and Jaydon to Jyson: a clear animal container raised up, with magnets affixed to the animals so you move another magnet underneath & get the animals to move all around to different locations (thank you Family Fun!)
Our Christmas meal with them: sweet potato casserole, mashed taters/gravy, ham & gingerbread trifle (I froze some of the cake & it was still great!)
Ari loves when my students get stars for passing off a piece...she awards herself stickers as well
This is way cooler than paper, Mom
"Hi busser!!" (buster)


Unknown said...

Aw I love all the pictures & I love the kids. The sticker one is funny! Sienna is way into stickers too. I find them everywhere! I love the last one where Ari is playing with Rhett.

Chantal said...

Oh my goodness, I miss all of you! So great that they loved your picture books! That makes it all worthwhile. Wish I could see Rhett making his way around and smooch those cheeks! I'm SO impressed that you helped the boys make presents for each other. How valuable! LOVE the sticker hand and the creative tray. Hmmmm. My favorite is the 'busser' picture!