Monday, April 23, 2012

9 and 10 month-old buster

9 months
Before the haircut (his first real one with the clippers)
After the haircut :)
-This guy is so much fun!
-He loves the vacuum & will crawl after it
-2 good bottom teeth, 2 other monsters coming in on top
-His night-time is finally more complete. He still has times when he thinks he needs to get up for that before-dawn snack, but for the most part he sleeps 6:30pm to 5/6 when he gets up to eat, then will go back to sleep until 8am--or later!--if I let him, but it's better when I wake him at 7 because then he'll take  a morning nap around 9 & then another at 1ish. If I don't wake up up by then, it's hit & miss with him taking 2 solid naps during the day. However, even if he gets only one nap, he's still pretty adaptable...he'll still smile and be happy for the most part

10 Months
 -Loves to crawl in grass
-1 more tooth coming in on bottom 
-Is finally willing to suck on a bottle instead of just chew
-Is SO wiggly...diaper changes are certainly more of a wrestling match than anything else.
-He seems to be obsessed with finding pointy objects & trying to suck on them before Mom flips out & grabs them away
-He crawls to the front door & will push the screen open & try to crawl out (it's pretty cute to see his chubby little hand emerge from under the screen door)
-Babbles mucho 'ma ma ma ma'
-stood for the first time for 3 seconds, will walk along furniture a bit
-Is amazingly tolerant of Ari 'loving' him, sitting/riding on him, her giving him 'zorbitz' but he has perfected the 'grab-the-hair-&-hold-on-tight-technique'
-Loves the stroller
-While we all cleaned/organized our 'pole barn' last Saturday he just sat in the stroller & watched us...for like, an hour & a half before he started fussing!
-He is pretty amazing at entertaining himself
-He really likes seeing home movies/pictures of himself...he'll just stare transfixed and then will smile and laugh
-He loves noises--he really enjoys pounding on the piano

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