So, a few days after Rhett's b-day, around the 2 month mark of Tony starting his new job, we received the most shocking and unexpected news that they were letting him go. They shall remain nameless, but I tell you what, there were many things that were just not right and it really is such a shame because they are nice people (and they did give him a fabulous letter of recommendation, go figure). After leaving his amazing Indiana job (who would hire him back in a second--they just LOVED him) in such a miraculous way we were left reeling from this brand-new 'adventure' now suddenly before us. We know Heavenly Father helped us get here and we feel like we need to be in the west, but wow, what the?! We figure maybe this job was the one to get us out here, and another one is waiting around the proverbial corner...The up side? Lots of daddy-kiddo time and it was so bitter-sweet to hear the two littles cheer exuberantly as they asked every morning, "Is Daddy going to work today?" when we responded, "no..."
A few weeks later Tony got hired by a small sales company that pays [most of] the bills :) To be continued...
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