Here we are at long last...the blogging community! I'd like to thank all of you who encouraged us to get here and made it all possible :)
Well, let's see, what HASN'T been happening lately? A short month ago we were getting ready for the wedding, moving, and preparing for work/school to start (Tony is working at Chesbro in Idaho Falls as a wholesaler, I am still a 5th-grade teacher at Madison Middle School, and the the boys are now in 1st grade-sniff). It all crazified at once of course, and then it all came together beautifully. I had some awesome help to get my classroom ready (thanks go to Shana Shirley of Rexburg), we had a million and one worker bees help us move in, and the wedding? Voila--it just all fell into place!
The reception was on the night of August 29th in Tony's sister's backyard in Rexburg & it was magnificent (see pictures for those of you that weren't able to attend). We prayed the weather perfect--one of those tender mercies I guess. I wanted it simple, yet elegant, not a lot of fuss (or money!), but casually beautiful with lots of evidence of nature all around for people to enjoy! It honestly couldn't have been any better. It was just what I hoped for and MORE! How blessed am I? Anyway, the night was perfect (complete with Godiva chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory Tony surprised me with since we didn't have a cake), we were supported by so many loved ones (thanks everyone!), and even all the kids had a blast on the swingset & in the cute playhouse that Dina (Tony's sister) had movies set up in going non-stop. Plus we had Millhollow Frozen yogurt, a true Rexburg treat!
The sealing the next morning made it all complete. It was so special and sacred I don't even have the words to describe it, but wow, what an amazing feeling of peace and "rightness." Hooray for foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
And now, one chapter, one month later it is still total & complete bliss!! The boys think Tony is the best thing since Legos were invented, and I'd have to agree--minus the Legos, he's just THE best thing!!
Thank you to all of you who have been such a love and support during my "again-singleness" and yeah for happy forevering!
Love from us to you!
Jenna and Tony - congrats!!! The photos are lovely from the wedding. Your boys are darling! Congrats again and I love the look of your blog... cute paisley.
Jenna, so glad you decided to start a blog and glad you found my blog! I'm soooo happy for you. YOu are the cutest ever and your new family is adorable! happy blogging!
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