Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ah, yes, and one more thing...

iT's a GirL!!!

I made the ultrasound tech check three times, so I'm planning on it! We are beyond thrilled...even Tony who was pretty durn sure it was a boy is so happy as well. Sorry honey, once in a great while even you are mistaken :) She would NOT hold still, she was doing somersaults the whole time (hence the, "please check one more time??!!" from me) & when we told Tony's sister that she said, "Well, sounds like a Tony-baby." If she has his sunny disposition in combination with that crazy energy, I say bring it on! The boys have gradually accepted the fact that there are not "10-tuplets" in there, but only one sweet baby sister & now they both talk to my tummy in cute, quiet tones on a regular basis. I love my life.


Melanie said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your family. You deserve to be happy.

jamie t. said...

woo-hoo! Girls are so fun :)

Brittany said...

Hello friend! Congrats.

Hilary said...

Jenna! Congrats...on Tony...the baby to come...so many great things!

Hey, so I'm working on a dvd slideshow for the 10 year reunion. Could you email me a recent pic of you and your fam? hilarywhitesides@gmail.com
Also if you have any highschool pics feel free to send those along too.

Thanks! Hope to see you there!