We went to the Grabill Fair awhile back, when Jyson was getting over being sick, the baby was just getting it & the rest of our bodies were trying to fight it off, but by jingo we were going to get out of the house & go to this free, FUN event, said the Mom! [Jaydon & I both lost the battle unfortunately, but Tony's immunity-of-steel carried him through once again. He almost NEVER gets sick] As you can see...it was a very foggy day...

3 cheers for the pie-eating-nose-scratcher (I caught it juuust right didn't I?)! I love that he said he just wanted to enjoy the pie so he really didn't worry about winning, & he kept eating it & eating it...long after the award was given!

Jaydon's personal contest with himself to see how much cotton candy he could fit in!

Tony at the start of the sack race...he totally did awesome-ly, but wow, there were a few bonefide kangeroos in that match!
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