These are the "squinty" pictures of Ari when my friend was trying to get her to model her hair accessories. Still pretty darn cute & AWESOME, unique stuff for moms & daughters, friends, aunts, cousins, everyone! You can get to her website here and then I have another fantastic friend in the ward who works with her, but does different stuff & you can get to her website here. Go check it out!!
Updates on her many 'accomplishments' :
--Is 110% smitten by her Daddy, just yesterday we were looking for him at church, when she finally spotted him she let out the most high-pitched, delightful squeal, "Daaaa-eeee!!!"
--We still have to straight-jacket her to get her to eat the 2nd half of her meal..or even the 2nd bite. I think she's affected by the texture, smell, temperature, color...you name it! However, that said, she adores eating & will do it non-stop if you let her (as long as it's something she likes of course)
--Goes through the strangest sleep patterns. She'll sleep great for awhile, but then she cycles in & out of waking up & wanting a bottle to go back to sleep until we decide to let her cry it out...again. We were so consistent for so long, but for some reason this darling doesn't seem to recognize that so I'm starting to think that the only consistent thing about her sleeping is her inconsistency
--Tender tummy, teeth & body: she has thrown/spit up quite a bit in her young life. Every tooth & bit of sickness is a new crisis for this babe (thus compounding the sleep issue).
--Absolutely LOVES to give hugs & kisses & pat us on the back if it looks like we need it
--The computer keyboard & mouse are her new favorite toys, along with the big lego blocks.
--She' definitely taking her sweet time developing her voice, but she uses her sign language regularly for "please, thank you, food (that's a regular alright, like clock-work about 10 or 10:30 every day), drink, & more. She can say: please, Mommy, Daddy, shoes (gock), uh, oh, bottle (ba-buh), hi, bye (ba-bye) & once in awhile she'll say her version of "Jaydon & Jyson."
--Is obsessed with her outer-wear. She wears her boots all day & many times she wants her coat, hat & gloves put on too. We wonder she doesn't roast!
--She is very tolerant of her sometimes not-so-gentle brothers & how they "play" with her. She is so excited when they walk in the door every day.
--Can NOT hold still. The car is still an issue because she's belted in & church is a joke! She looks like a jumping bean the whole hour of sacrament!
--She has entered the "nursery" & she didn't look back once. She still eats the crayons more than colors with them & just dumps the 1" of water in the baby cup they give her, but oh, she was ready! The first week the leader told me, "wow, she's full-time isn't she!"
--She has learned to say "uh-uh" to everything...whether she means it or not
--Outside is one of her favorite places to be...she gets to wear the outerwear after all!
--She's beginning the "walk-run" as I like to call it...away from us of course :)
--Her giggle is everyone's favorite sound 'round these parts
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