Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dance, Dance!

We bought our first Groupon recently...2 private dance lessons from a local studio for $30 (normally $200!)! It was so amazing. We also got to go to a group class as well (I did get some strange looks there...what, it's not normal for a huge prego woman to dance?). The great thing is that we didn't really have to pay for a baby-sitter, see, I'm trading baby-sitting for piano lessons. The 2nd time we were there our instructor brought in the owner because, frankly, Tony isn't the average dancer :) For those of you who don't know, Tony took tons of dance in college & is AWESOME!! Wow. The lady was fantastic, but had no qualms about telling Tony exactly what needed to happen (she claims that she has to start w/ the man before she can even look at the woman, but really I think she just enjoys a good pulverize-the-ego session). We both learned so much and totally wish we could take more lessons! p.s. I wasn't sleepy, don't let the picture deceive you.

1 comment:

jeffandbecca said...

How fun! Jeff and I enjoy dancing as well, and lessons would be awesome. No better exercise than dancing, especially with your hubby!