Monday, November 25, 2013

Some more Octobernesses

 This really bad light, unfinished "Back-to-school" shelf picture is never-the-less going in the blog book because it has several spots of meaning…the picture of the Redwood tree is a Jyson original (in order to fit it in the frame I had to chop off the little tiny guy at the bottom that showed the scale of how big that tree is, sorry bud). Second is the awesome Tony original welded flower (!) he presented to me after the Makers Faire…then there's the darling little schoolhouse I've had for almost 10 years when my mom gave it to me after graduating college & getting my first teaching job. The old books remind me of my mom/great grandma because they love/had old books (guess it's getting passed on) and then the window was meant to have a hand-made origami wreath by Jyson, but it's a long work in progress so maybe next year :) 
 I found Rhett asleep on the 'trampoline dodge/pillowfight pillows' instead of his bed, chubby hands clasped together & then he also had these two little football, night/glow-in-the-dark visor things turned on…who says nap time is dull?
A little 'after choir' horsey action going on…and even though I didn't get a front picture of it, I love that he's wearing this little outfit the boys also wore.

YES! It's off! A pretty quick deal--like 4 weeks until this came off--due to his springy 2 year-old bones…though looking at the arm it's still not perfectly straight (that is supposed to take care of itself in the next few months) so it looks a little wonky still...
 He then had this on for a couple more weeks & poof, we're done! And other than the emergency room bill, it wasn't nearly as scary as I had anticipated cost-wise either.
 Celebrating with drinking fountain water, oh yeah...
 NOT the latest addition to our green smoothies…just a pleasant surprise from the hubster when I went to make our nightly drink :)
 Pinterest, eat your heart out ;) Avocado snowman, eh, eh??
 Sandy, the penny miracle horse (come on kids, just a few more minutes through this eternal grocery store line…)
 And to round off what seems to be a dominant Rhett post, looking like he was proud of this feat--yep, it was up the nose...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! That last picture. Haha! Is that a peanut? Also- how do you guys make your smoothies?