Thursday, January 9, 2014

Christmas arrived

 Ari's preschool Santa & I caught that picture juuust right.
Rhett ran right up to him calling, "Santa!!" Huh. That was a surprise compared to last year's sobbing…guess they have to grow up sometime...
 Gym activities for the Christmas party.
Cookie making
Playing with awesome toys
 Songs of the darling-est nature!!
 The first present to be seen (thanks Aunt Sarin & Uncle Jared!!)
 Proudly wearing her stocking stuffer jewelry
She has a darling cloth dolly (thanks to Uncle Brett & Aunt Kim) she loves dearly, but Nana felt that dolly needed a companion with real hair & closing lashes. This is the result.
 But first, Tony must conquer the tape.
 And here is his reaction. Fortunately, dolly's alive to tell the story.
But just barely…
A bit of milk to soothe her achin' throat…
& loved back into binky-health
with a bit more help from her Da
 Last, but not least are her own fancy shoes from Aunt Sarin & Uncle Jared to encourage her to stay out of her mum's!
Thomas the train gets a delighted smile (he fell in LOVE with one a friend's little boy brought over so that was his gift from Mom & Dad)
 More wonder from Nana & Papa Cobia
  Making the appropriate noises for the awesome construction trucks from Uncle Brett & Aunt Kim
 Huh. How do I eat my Christmas cereal while holding this ball?
 Never mind. Cereal is overrated. Gotta have priorities.

With the boys gone to their Dad's for Christmas it was low-key & very relaxing for us. Christmas Eve we watched the Nativity video on Mormon Messages (from the 'new' Bible videos), got out the figurines provided by Nana this year to tell the story & tucked them into bed. Tony & I got all ready & still had time to watch a movie together! 

The next day we enjoyed the present revelry, talked with family & then went caroling with some friends & over to their house for dinner afterward. I enjoy having others over for holidays, but it was so much more relaxing not to!! A real treat! Tony had the two days following off, then the weekend so we did some shopping & really just enjoyed each other's company! Ahhhh…real life? What is that?!

The boys actually went to Idaho with their Dad & were able to visit with my Nana, Papa & Devin (my family), Tony's sister's family & Mom (Dina's crew & Grandma Laretta), my grandparents & Aunt Joce & her crew…Tough to be loved so much EVERYONE wants to see you!
 Great-grandma loves
A proper welcome from an uncle who misses you...
 Thatsa lotta love right there. Yes, it is.
Saying goodbye. The boys are incredibly fortunate to have family on ALL sides in good ol' Idaho…it makes vacations crazy-busy, but you get to see everyone!!

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