This one had a birthday on Sunday...if you get the chance, tell him he doesn't look a day over 33 (it will make him feel so good since it's been 3 whole days since he reached that magical age!)
Here are my reasons of love for this mad cat:
1.) He's entirely dedicated to the Gospel
2.) He ALWAYS walks in the door with a smile on his face
3.) He lets me stress out while he remains easy-going & adaptable
4.) No sooner can I get the words out, "Honey, would you be willing," he responds with, "I'll do it"---wow
5.) Playing with Daddy has become #1 in our house--the boys want to spend time with him more than anything else
6.) I truly feel like an equal partner, we work everything out together
7.) His listening skills are superb
8.) He'll take the baby even when she's fussy AND he changes many diapers
9.) He's one of the most generous people I know
10.) He keeps us laughing all the time from his random antics & his humor is quite witty!
How in the world did I get so blessed??

Jaydon's "baby balloon" creation--the black is the baby's hair

One of Jyson's daily snack creations out of wheat thins, pretzels, fishies, & animal crackers. And the white piece is a napkin he said is "The dike for the bison to climb up." Oh, right.