I've become almost afraid to give her baths at night because THIS is the result the next morning!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Resolved 2010: Play more, stress less & become a food storage junkie!
Ah, look at it, isn't it beautiful? The cadillac of wheat grinders, the NUTRIMILL! Someday soon (tax return money perhaps?) I plan to own this dream machine in order that I might make this more easily (& cheaper) on a regular basis:

WHEAT: obvious critical food storage component made into what I like to call wheatie goodness, a.k.a...BREAD (I forgot how it's not so very hard after all!).
I have been struggling the last couple of months to find the most cost-effective, & travel-effective (I can buy it from the church in Indy, but it's 2 1/2 hrs away so early on I decided that wasn't my chosen method if I could help it) way to buy wheat in bulk out here in the Mid-West (plenty of corn & soy beans, but wheat??!). Well, at church yesterday I found out that there is a guy coming from IDAHO & bringing a massive load of wheat for anyone who wants to order...for cheap! Yeah for little prayers being answered! I also found a lovely Amish store that has many other things in bulk. And so goes the food storage gathering quest.............
Thursday, January 14, 2010
It's a 4 1/2 month stats report!
The results are in:
Weight: 151bs, 7oz (75th percentile)
Length: 25" (75th percentile)
Hooray, she's healthy AND adorable, blessings abound!
--Loves her baths...kick-a-mania!
--Does NOT love having clothes put over her head
--She smiles constantly
--Her best friend is still Mr. Hangy Duck in her car seat
--Jaydon's glasses are a close second
--Expert at fighting sleep, "No! too much to see, must...zzzzzz....no! what did I miss??"
--Jaydon & Jyson made her laugh TONS yesterday with their awesome fake sneezes
--Vacillates between "no touchy" & "cuddle me close" moments
--Loves Daddy's dangerous "balance the baby" routine
--Tolerates the bottle with Mommy milk, but NOT formula
--Binky & swaddling are musts for bedtime
--Arches her back something fierce to see who's holding her or what's behind her...that's also her chosen mode of transportation across beds or floors...backward scoots I like to call them
--A couple times a day she's just too active up to be calm for feeding time so I have to stand to nurse her while doing trunk twists (get off those last few middle pounds, eh?)!
--Does NOT like her tummy for more than 2 minutes at a time (we're working on that)
--Rolled over tummy-to-back 3 times before 8wks old & has decided not to do it since!
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Coming Home
Though I didn't get any pictures of the fire or the smores from our first indoor fireplace fire (thanks to the wood my men got & stacked--see earlier post), we DID get a picture of this bird (there were 2 actually) that thought it great fun to hang out in our fireplace & then FLY around our house smacking into everything until they finally found their way OUT! Poor little birdies.

The first real snow that we saw (eight inches & a day out of school!), the boys had to go jump on the tramp. Seriously--jumping on wet, slippery surface screams DANGER to me, but who am I to ruin my children's childhood memories (including the broken something that's bound to happen sooner or later)? Luckily for me, Tony always goes with them & he's very careful.

Shot 1 from operation: "Attack-Daddy-As-He-Walks-In-the-door-w/-a-bazillion-nerf-bullets".Here we have the fortification (they locked all the bedroom doors so he couldn't go down the hall & come out behind them--the little sneaksters).

Shot 2: The eating & waiting (ah, Mom, do we have to?) for "the arrival." It was a pretty sweet set-up, I must say. And it sure made for speedy chompers--hmmm, maybe I'll encourage such actions every night...
A visiting we did go
The reasons for our season...
And here is the reason we went to Idaho...Spencer + Megan ='s newest Cobia family (wedding pics to come later)! Oh, & throw my baby into the pic & they really look like a family!

Here they are in their awesome town house their friend is letting them have for free right now! What happened to the good ol' days when newlyweds had run-down junky first houses? Ah, well, they're too beautiful a couple for that to happen to I guess...

Announcing Rexburg's newest AWESOME addition...TwizlBerry!! It's like Yozone in Provo for any that know it. It's an amazing selection of self-serve frozen yogurts that you can put any assortment of toppings on. Just watch out, the bowls are huge & it's priced by the OUNCE (suggestion: weigh in often)!

The Tony family white elephant gift party (I tell you, they really do it right, the coveted gift this year was the broken trophy...sorry Dina, you had to sacrifice it for your child)
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