As with all joyful events, we celebrate with food! Father's Day request: Jambalaya (a.k.a. meat & more meat--we don't get a lot of that around here :), banana bread & his 'dessert' frozen mangos! He's still going strong with his "no sugar for a year" goal! We love this guy, he's happy & crazy & helpful and oh-so-funny! He keeps this family on the upside, we'd be lost without him!

Another celebration was Nana's b-day. Her meal request was the "French Dinner" we had growing up...[of course] French bread, crackers, different kinds of cheeses, fruits, yogurt. Yum. Also added in was chicken salad, green salad, her favorite limeade & for dessert she got her own Baskin & Robbins "Turtle Pie." Because of the boys' cubscout camp "Family Night" & the babe's arrival we stretched her b-day festivities out for 3 days...she was a good sport about it & we sure love her fun personality, selflessness & the time she's willing to spend with us!
Oh you guys look like you are having so much fun. Hope Nana had a very Happy Birthday! Your new son is just beautiful! Congratulations!
Congrats on your sweet new little bundle of joy. Looks like everyone is happy that he is here. Hope you are doing well and that your are recovering quickly. You have a darling family.
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