The hospital I had Rhett at sponsored a day of 'health' activities so the boys, Ari & Nana went & loaded up on free stuff...hot dogs (emphasis on the healthy here!), string cheese, drink, a toothbrush, toothpaste, stickers, little toys, a free bike helmet for each!! and...because they went to every station & got their paper-thing signed both Jaydon & Ari were won a $50 certificate for a BICYCLE from Wal-mart! Jyson felt pretty sad until I told him I didn't think Ari needed a bike as badly as he does...I call this one a tithing blessing because they both really were in need of new bikes! Hooray for DeKalb Memorial!
Wow, that is indeed a blessing!! :D Sounds like fun. The bike session was always my favorite when I was a kid.
*section, not session. ;]
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