My menfolk did something very manly to start off the day--they picked us up a cord of wood (thanks to the help of our fantastic bishop) to have on hand. I felt warm ticklies in my tummy when I saw all that lovely wood stacked on the side of our house (I always took it for granted when my Dad just went & did it, you know?). It feels great to be prepared (last year there was a horrid ice storm that lasted for days)! Don't tell Tony I asked you, but wouldn't it be great if we saved ourselves some money & heated our entire house this way??! Maybe you should call randomly & tell him all the merits of wood burning & such...

The boys are allowed to play internet "Lego" games when their Daddy is with them, so while they did this...

I bonded over bread-making with my little gal
Tony, I lived in the Ft. Wayne stake for 9 1/2 years. I love Indiana. I bet I know some of the people you are getting to know. Your family is beautiful. I am so happy for you!!!
Your little one is getting so big! Will you be in Idaho for christmas. We will! If you are we'll have to see each other.
Your family is precious!
My blog is "unprivate" again, for now. :)
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