While others got tornados last week, we got this. It's so sobering to see the devastation all around, but makes me SO incredibly grateful that our "tornado warning" only equated to a filling of the parking lot with mucho H2O. Even now we have quite a few fields that look more like lakes. The boys have taken full advantage of the water (Jyson insisted he could swim cuz it was so deep)...and mud. One of their chores last Saturday was to blow dry all of their shoes since they decided to use both sets of tennis shoes on different days instead of the crocs their Mother suggested. Because of this 'warning' pack meeting was cancelled...too bad the cubmaster wasn't informed & was patiently waiting with everything set up at the church. Oh, well, I'll take that over a real tornado any day.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The birthday that lived on for Memorial Day
For their b-day Aunt Sarin gave the gift of Groupon...to a Go-Kart/Arcade place. It was the 9 year-old boys' first real experience with a place like this...and it was reliving the glory days for the Tony-boy. They were all in heaven while Ari & I wandered around pushing all the glowing buttons on all the machines/games...50 times each.
This was a shocker...Jaydon won the big-one---1000 tickets (to be traded in for prizes)! Instant popularity for this dude...kids gathered around to gawk at the pool of tickets that gathered on the floor during the FIVE entire minutes it took for them to pour out. Wow.

When we walked in Tony said with a grin, "It smells like an arcade..." Guess I missed out on that olfactory sensation.

The one Go-Kart round they did. Afterward they both said, "That was too stressful, I was just trying so hard not to hit the other guys." [The rules said they could NOT hit other cars though of course the other 'guys' on the track weren't necessarily following those rules]. My poor lads.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Church singin' SuperSTAR!
Here's Jyson singing on YouTube...he sang THIS duet in church & the stake president called personally to call & tell him he enjoyed it (we have an amazingly personal stake president).
Sunday, May 22, 2011
37 weeks. Oh, yes, I'm counting.
I feel so grateful. Compared with so many I have relatively easy pregnancies & I think it's because Heavenly Father knows that certainly encourages me to keep having these little miracles :) Too bad I don't always keep that perspective & get grumpy, hmmm--Jaydon asked me the other day, "Did you have your nap today?" Kinda slow with this one...not quite ready with all the baby stuff yet (maybe because half of it was in storage!), but I am getting so anxious to hold my new squishy, lovable, huggable baby (though I'm just not counting on going before my due date...my track record has proven that not to be my lot with birthing babes)! I love looking at the little clothes & imagining our little guy in them. I am soo excited about the midwife I've been going to & the natural birthing class I'll be attending next Saturday w/ Tony (he's really excited, let me tell you--but oh-so-supportive, I love him!). I was so close with Ari, I'm praying I can do it naturally this time. I really want to & think I can now that I have more knowledge & a strong supporter who knows what's going on (midwife), who will be there as much as I want her to be (Tony is going to take copious notes so he'll know what to do for next-?- time). The boys are excited to have a baby brother & Ari was so good with Sienna when she was here I am hopeful the transition will be relatively smooth...we love him so much already!
Cuz' she's cute
Aunt Dina sent some awesome clothes from cousin Kelsi who is a few years older...but try telling that to Ari, she wanted to try on EVERY pair of shoes. Pictured are her new favorite boots only 3 or 4 sizes too big.
Oh, how I love her cute little piggie-tails that curli-que at the ends...it reminds me of cousin Kelsi's--exactly the same color & curl. Darling!
Me as a Grandma
Jaydon had a little speaking part for the 'welcoming committee.'
Since there are no grandparents nearby, I filled in for the school's "Grandparent's Day." Also pictured is my adopted granddaughter :) Days/events like this I am SO grateful to be a stay-at-home Mom, I feel incredibly blessed to finally be able to be the full-time Mommy I've always wanted to be & to have a husband who sees it as a priority for me to do so!
Cup-stacking!! My secret obsession...seriously, I first heard of it in my college Elementary P.E. course & promptly borrowed the set for two subsequent dates with rave reviews. So fun & it's great for brain development & hand/eye coordination, bonus! They did a demonstration & then I got to be one of the volunteers that went up to be "taught."
Last Saturday
Starting the day out right...we went to the church for our cleaning assignment. Everyone who was supposed showed up so we were done in under an hour--wow! Ari met up w/ her BFF from nursery/choir (her parents come to choir & the boys watch the two little girls so we can all sing & they all LOVE lil' Abby) & learned the value of a hug from someone her own size :)
Friday, May 13, 2011
Spencer, Meagan & Sienna...and Ari

Post-visit I realized I got pictures of Spencer & Sienna, but not enough of beautiful Meagan--sorry Meagan--I promise I love you too! Sienna was so darling the whole weekend...when they first got there she was asleep, but she soon woke up & smiled such a big grin at me, I fell in love instantly--we all did! They are such an adorable family, though I admit it's still weird for me to think that my little (uh, 6'3) brother is both husband AND father. We so loved having them visit & are so grateful they took the time!! Oh, yeah, & Ari especially fell for all three of them & could NOT stop waving & doing her signature, whisper 'hi' (though I think the secret to their success was the baby...she was so entranced by her the whole time).
Friday night
Partying to the nines...

This b-day was especially awesome because we had familial visitors (we did last year too because it was their baptism, these boys are loved)!! Spencer (my bro), Meagan (wifey) & Sienna (5 mo old babe) are heading back across the U.S. after doing an accounting internship in D.C. so they got to party the whole weekend with us! Here's how the day went:
-Oh, must make mention...the day before we all went to the boys' school to eat lunch with them (thus completing the circle...now ALL my siblings & spouses have eaten with the boys at their school, how cool is that?!). Then Spencer & Meagan got to volunteer in their classes to help out with a special presentation they had going on & gave out the b-day treats (Jaydon made both! Brownies AND cupcakes!!)
-Special request by the boys...they wanted to make their spec-ee-al-i-ty for our esteemed visitors so they made a fabulous breakfast of pancakes, eggs & sausage (given to us by some friends & since we're not really sausage lovers Tony really gave it some love, i.e. A1, BBQ sauce & steak seasoning--though I had my doubts, it was a hit!
-Opened presents & then PLAYED with the presents--Uno attack, frisbee & Ladderball
-Ate pizza, spinach salad & watermelon for dinner compliments of our guests
-Watched Megamind, ate goodies including cake & no-sugar, berry ice-cream (new favorite from conference).
-Then the boys ALL slept downstairs together per the boys' special request. Hee hee.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Easter and such
We did celebrate Easter, just not in pictures...not one. Here's how it went down:
-Saturday the boys woke to a colorful staircase full of candy eggs leading them down to the table of funness covered with a blankie until Mom n' Dad got up. They got big bubble wands from the parents (you know, the ones that cost a dollar & are super-stellar for giant bubble purposes) & then lots of little goodies from Papa & Nana Cobia. Daddy got some sugar-free treats & a book he's been wanting.
-After sort-of rushing through chores we really did rush to the park for the egg hunt.
-Then they went with Daddy to an 'author's convention' downtown because we have 3 aspiring author's in this house. They all loved it.
-We finished up our discussion on Christ's final week that night for scripture study. Always an excellent reminder.
-Sunday the boys each got a "Christ" quiet book to take to church, thanks to Heather's generosity!! They liked them so much & promptly read them (Jyson finished both before he got to church!)
-I gave my talk in sacrament meeting that I took ALL week to write...it was on "Christ's final week with an emphasis on the women that were there/part of His life." It was a toughy to find scriptural info on the 'women' part, but oh-so-excellent to learn about & it all worked out.
-Monday we had our annual Easter egg/events of Christ FHE lesson.
A bit different this year in a traditional sense, but it really was enjoyable & I feel like we learned more about Christ as a family: mission accomplished.
Then, what's a post without a few pictures, even non-Easter ones :)
This was a cute scene...both boys were reading on opposite ends of the couch & Ari kept going back & forth, poking & laughing in their faces trying to get them to play with her (they were good sports & would do it for a minute & then go back to their books). Finally she picked up a [chapter] book & flipped through the pages before tossing it aside & crawling off in search of other pursuits...
Another scene...traipsing across the parking lot to our current washer & dryer. Before moving in here I wasn't sure which I would miss more: the dishwasher or the washer/dryer. The jury is in: hands down it's the washer & dryer! Thank goodness I have three muscle-y men to help out.
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