Meagan & I kept trying to snap good, smiling, pictures of these wiggly gals because they were so durn cute together, but really, I think these pics capture the true nature of their cousinly relationship :)
After 7 years of blissful marriage, most of which was in wonderful Indiana, we recently moved to Utah to be closer to family at long-last! Our stellar, oldest boys just started 8th grade (at a charter school we really like so far!), Ari is an adorable, active age 6, Rhett is a spunky 4 year-old who loves to laugh and angelic baby Maeser recently arrived! Life is just SWEET!!
The LOVEbirds
Jyson, Age 14
Jaydon, Age 14
Ariana, age 6
Rhett, age 4
Maeser, 4 months
Kid Quotes
As Tony & I were hiding from Rhett under the covers with Ari Tony started smooching me to which Ari said:
"No kissing! It's against the rules!"
Then, the longer we waited she pronounced:
"Ok, you can kiss until he gets here!"
Rhett: Wow, this is a really good smoothie, mom.
Mom: Yeah? you like that?
Rhett: Yeah, even if I threw it up, I would still like it!
Rhett: [singing his own song] Stuuuuuppppiiiid, is not a good word...stuuuUUUPiiiiddd, is NOT a good wordd...
Mom: Rhett, you do realize you're saying the not good word, right? 8-5-16
Mom: Rhett! Go brush your teeth...
Rhett: I can't, I'm being a bridge! (he was indeed extending his body from ottoman to chair) 7/16
On the way to the "Fancy Nancy" party at the library, Ari was happily crooning, "Bonjour, bonjour..."that's French hi or something...bonjour, bonjour that's French for 'let's go to the beach...' On the way home I asked her to buckle in, that that really fancy princesses must be kept safe. Her response was, "I looked in Cinderella's carriage, she didn't have a seatbelt..." 4-30-16
Ari had no problem ripping out any and all weeds with her mama, but Rhett was tenderly attached to anything with a flower so I told him I would save him his very own patch to which he replied:
"Thanks Mom! I'm going to let them grow and grow into lovely flowers, just so lovely flowers..." 4-9-16
Rhett (after slowly falling from his bike):"I think I should wear some armor or sumthun..."
Mom: You have the most beautiful eyes.
Ari: That's because they're spark-l-y from oranges [grin]!
At church
Jaydon: Rhett, you going to go up and bear your testimony?
Rhett: I have a testimony? No, I don't.
Mom: Do you know that Jesus loves you and He answers your prayer.
Rhett: Yes!
Mom: That's a testimony
Rhett: Ohhhhhhhh! 3-6-16
The saga continues with his drawings...
first he drew a detailed picture of a girl with a pie on her head. then it was another detailed picture, this time of a walking lip.
All of us: ??????? Pretty awesome but totally confused.
Rhett: Mom, I'm doubling the [basket]ball!!! 3-5-16
Rhett: DAdddddyyyy....(I enter the bathroom) no, I want daaaddddyyy!
Me: Why do you want daddy to wipe your bum?
Rhett: Because he didn't play with us yet.
...yes, that is quality time, good point buddy :)
Rhett:(in a prayer) Thank thee for daddy, that he can work a lot for us. That he can work in the basement. And that when I get big I can work a long time and I can come home and tell Ari stories in bed...(Tony working from home has been affecting this sweet boy) 1-16
Ari: (while looking through the photo book) "I want to see me in my wedding dress!
Me: You mean your blessing dress?
Ari: Yeah! 1-16
Rhett:(to the UPS guy, while grinning and waving energetically) Bye box man, bye!!! 1-16
Rhett: I saw Santa trails outside today! They were blue, green, yellow...
Me: You did?
Rhett: Yeah, he was going all the way to Salt Lake City...that's a longer way a way! 12-15
Rhett's process of discovering Christmas presents--he knows he can only ask for one main one so it changed daily...
Day 1: I want a Rescue Hero for Christmas!
Day 2: I want a bread bowl and a bag of cheese all for myself for Christmas!
Day 3: I want a whole bottle of ketchup for Christmas!
Day 4: I want Lightning McQueen jammies! it noted that when he saw Santa he ran up to him, gave him a huge hug and reverently placed his cheek against Santa's as he talked with him, smiling sweetly... 12-15
Mom: Where are you guys?
Ari: We're sneaking you!
Rhett: Shhhhh....! 10-15
Jaydon: What's your name?
Rhett: Rhett Moroni
Jaydon: Yeah, but what's your last name?
Rhett: Moroni
Jaydon: No, what's your last name?
Rhett: Chicken.
Jaydon: :) What's your favorite food?
Rhett: uhhh, candy
Jaydon: What's your favorite drink?
Rhett: Watermilk [??????]
Jaydon: :0 What's your favorite movie?
Rhett: Superman [he's never seen it]
Jaydon: What's your favorite superhero?
Rhett: Superman
Jaydon: Why?
Rhett: Because he saves people
Jaydon: Do you like Ari?
Rhett: Well, no, because last week she was a bit complicated...
Jaydon: oh.
Rhett: no, no, no, I like her! 10-15
Rhett: "Ohhhh, I love our baby sooo much. Look at his feet, they're so teensy, weensy eensy!" 10-15
Tony teasingly referred to me as 'his woman' and Ari said, "She's not your woman, she's my mommy!" 10-15
Rhett: What's the baby's middle name, mom?
Me: Hyrum
Rhett: No, it's Batman. 9-15
Rhett said: "When I'm big like the boys, I can have knives…and arrows…and money!" (he recently learned that money buys Costco ice-cream) 7-15
Rhett and Ari were 'loving' my baby-tummy and Rhett said, "Mommy, is the baby just going to POP out??" 7-15
Where applicable Rhett often says, "That is BIS-gusting…"6-15
While eating sourdough pancakes, Ari fell in syrup love:
"Can I have it in a cup? It's yummy…"
In a discussion about communication & people Tony said, "People like both variety and comfort." Jyson responded, "Obama gives us neither." ???!! Though we have no great love for him or his policies we're not Obama-smashers either…
Rhett: Mom, can I have some plumes?? [plums+prunes :)]
Ari: Mom, you're aDORable!!….I'm not adorable…
Mom: Are you beautiful?
Ari: No, I'm Elsa...
Ari ran up to me, gave me her homemade church flower & said, "Happy Smothers Day, Mommy!" Then Tony came in & continued…"Happy Mother's Day, Daddy!"
Ari ran up to Daddy, gave him a big hug & said, "I don't want to miss you so much!"
Ari: "Daddy, look! Looookkk!!"
Daddy: No response
Ari: HONEY, look!
…that got him!
Ari cups her hand to my ear whispers, "I want to be a princess when I grow up."
Mommy: :)
Rhett: What time is it?
Mom: 4 o'clock
Rhett: Ohhh, that's my favorite!
Mom: whaaa?
Ari was cutting with some scissors & when she almost cut herself she struck up this conversation, "Don't cut me scissors! I put you in time-out…"
After dinner during the arm wrestle between Dad & Jyson Dad insisted that because he gave up candy he would be the conquering arm & asked Jyson, "Have you eaten candy in your lifetime?" to which Jyson responded, "Less of a percentage in my life than yours!" And with that, the game was on...
In reference to our 'parental style of discipline' Jyson said: Dad is the anvil [doesn't come down often, but when it does is firm & unmoving]. Mom is the ocean...can be heavier than the anvil but is more open.
Tony: whoa, that's deep...and true...
After telling the boys how kind Tony is to everyone, Jyson said, "That's why you married him!" As I was agreeing, Jaydon said, "I thought it was for his smoochers!" As I was laughing majorly, Jyson said, "It's going on the BLOG!" So right, my boy, so right.
The boys asked Tony & I if they could watch a movie, to which we were looking at each other for a minute or two, to which Jyson then asked, "Are you having a conversation with your eyes?" 1-13
Jaydon and Jyson were having a talk in the car about God creating all the galaxies and how tough it must be because, Jaydon said, "yeah, he doesn't even have 'copy & paste'!"
My youngest brother is here visiting for Christmas and after the first day Jyson said in reference to him, "This is the best, it's like I have two that works and one that stays home!" 12-12
Jyson came downstairs in a big shirt with no pants & Ari exclaimed, "nice bum!" 9-12
We came back from our walk & Ari heard a lawnmower & instantly said, "Daddy!" though I tried to convince her otherwise, she turned her face toward the sound, lifted her hand and waved sweetly while crooning, "Hi honey...honey, hiiiii!"
Though Ari can be hit & miss with the "soft" factor as it relates to Rhett; she is, nonetheless so just and kind in many of her attentions to him. At the park she insists that he takes a turn down the slide first, and then she'll go and then it's "Rhett tun {turn}" & so on...She also loves to "help" feed him, give him toys and routinely checks for poopies proclaiming, "poopy!" or "nope" as is applicable.
Jyson: Love when you're dating is like moss when it's wet, 'cuz it can be moved all around. Love when you're married is like a cactus because it's strong, & lightning can hit it lots of times...or it's like that tree that's hundreds of years old, it lives forever and no bugs can ever get into it...
Talking to Brett, Tony's brother, he asked what was 'new' to which Jyson immediately piped up: "I've been doing my new routine stretches each night in bed. Tony & I looked at him: really? Jyson: But I do it silently. Jaydon: No, you don't (he's on the bottom bunk :) 3-12
Jyson: "Mom, these scissors are so cheesy!"
Me: You mean cheap? (we've been having a running discussion on how to use cheesy's been harder to explain than I thought it would be!)
Jyson: Yeah, like only $0.20 a pound!
Me: [big smile] 3-12
We were giving family compliments & Jyson said, "I'd like to compliment Rhett for being cheeky...not the bad kind, but he just has a lot of good cheeks!" 2-12
Rhett was copying Jyson's loud noises & then laughing at him to which Jyson responded, "Man, these are the moments that just last in your brain forever!" 2-12
Jyson was doing a yo-yo move & when it didn't quite work he quipped, "I didn't give it enough potential energy." When I said, "Jyson, you crack me up." He responded with a wry grin, "Yes, I do." 2-12
I grabbed Jaydon to give him a goodnight kiss & Tony came on the other side so Jaydon ended up squashed in the middle. When we started smooching a bit Jaydon said, "Hey, this is supposed to be my kiss!" 1-12
Jyson to Jaydon: "Sheesh, you're like so at my 'neck' right now" (I think he meant 'throat' from when I say 'you guys are at each other's throats') 1-12
Jyson said to the missionaries who were at our house for dinner, "Please do come again, we surely do enjoy your company."
Jaydon said: "Sometimes my phrasing gets mixed up. I say 'boyfriend' 'cause he's a boy, & he's my friend, and then I have to stop myself & I have to say, er, uh, wait, I mean..."
After Ari brought Jyson a book, he plopped her in his lap, arms encircling her chubby little self & said, "This is good practice for fatherhood!"
After our FHE on speaking kindly Daddy said we should all speak kindly or... Jyson finished with: "or be devoured by the fowls of Satan." Stemming from their primary lesson & something about 'fowls'
Jyson:I wish there could be a 'pause' button on school.
Jyson: "We're getting close to the church, I can smell it...all that spirituality...[smells] like loving, like a Valentine's Day heart!"
Little boy to Jyson at cub scout camp: [breathes right in Jyson's face, nice, long & drawn-out] "I'm a dragon, I"ll roast you!!"
Jyson's think bubble: "That's not dragon breath, that's bad breath!"
Jaydon: "I really want us to get our own house so we can dig up the front yard to find dinosaur bones & diamonds..."
Me, in conversation, "Wow, that's ironic..." Jyson then said: "You mean 'ironic' as in 'i-ronic priesthood?" Very close to 'aaronic' I must admit!
Jaydon: "So, if she's not my first cousin is she my great cousin?"
Jyson: "Oh, I was looking for this, it's very important [microscopic snow clump]! Mom: "Jyson, the door! (as he's running out) Jyson: "I was coming back, Mom, I was just saving a snowflake's life!
On our first trip to the park since the snow has started melting Jaydon says to me, "Mom, it's your favorite season again, stick season!" And yes, I carried home 3 cannot-be-replaced sticks to add to the first of the 'seasons' stash.
Jaydon: "Jyson, do you want to verse me in legos?" Mom: "Do what?" Jaydon, looking incredulous at me: "You know, go against me to battle!" Mom: "Oh, right to 'vs.' you..." Ah, the wonders of the written language 'vs.' the spoken...
Mom: "Jyson, saying your prayers balanced on your head doesn't count...did I honestly just have to say that? Oh, wow..."
Mom: "Jaydon, why are you wrestling Daddy in your underwear?!" Jaydon: "Mom, it's my battle uniform, I can move around a lot faster!"
Jyson says thoughtfully, "I'd like to be either a nine-plated armadillo or a tree. I like the life of a tree."
"Jaydon, where are you?" calls his Mommy. "I'm stuck in my book, that's ok, isn't it?" he replies. Yes, just fine, & don't come out until you're good & ready :)
Jyson jokingly told us his new line: "Wanna piece of me? Here's a big fist!"
While wrestling, Tony told Jaydon, "Whoa, look at those muscles, do you work out?" To which Jaydon replied, "No...just recess!"
While talking about how to make friends with those who might not like you at first Jyson said,
"Yeah, I did that once with a guy who became my friend. half friend."
Tony was giving one of his usual speeches while driving about how he loves me so much & would really like to kiss me, but it would be too dangerous (aren't I lucky?) & Jaydon said,"Don't worry, here's the stoplight."Along that same line, he also said I should tell Tony I love him"more than 100 castles put together!"
After one morning 'Mr. Sunshine Ritual' by Tony Jyson turned to us & said, "He's always hopping with joy!"
Jaydon explaining to Jyson about "stranger safety" :"Don't worry, we'd get away, we're faster & more aerodynamic than big people"
After teasing Mommy incessantly on purpose Jyson said with an impish grin, "Mommy's not really humil-i-tated so it's okay!"
After we all gave Daddy a body massage the boys wanted a horsey ride to bed, & Mommy wondered if Daddy was feeling up to it to which Jyson responded: "Are you kidding, now all his muscles are tuned with energy!"
Jyson after being teased: "I feel so persecuted!"
Jaydon to Jyson in a very adult-like voice: So, I think she dunked [dumped] him...
Jyson: No, he dunked her because she wouldn't wait for on him on his mission.
Happily married to a marvelous husband, with 4 beautiful children & # 5 on the way, my life just couldn't be better! I feel blessed to have been raised to know that God loves me & is a part of all of our lives. I love to sing, dance with my honey, read any good book, teach, organize things, ski, & play with my kids. Hooray for life!
I'm a certified Positive Discipline instructor & K-8 teacher with several years experience seeing it in the class and at home first-hand change relationships for the better. I have a passion for this course and I'm thrilled to be able to share it through the classes I teach!
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