We got to the hospital about 8:00pm & I was dilated to 6 (I guess all that yuckiness/contractions was/were doing something after all)! Since that was where my will started to crumble with both other labors I was encouraged. They had to start my antibiotics right away because I was Strep B positive (again), but it was happening so fast, I just wasn't sure we had the needed 4 hours for it to get into my system so I was a bit worried about that. The pain was definitely getting intense, but with my concentrated breathing, the birthing ball & Tony pressing on my pain points in my back it was doable. We had talked & prepared quite a bit together & I knew if this was going to work, I needed his full support. I had it, and he. was. amazing. Patient, didn't freak out about anything & was immediately responsive & willing to do anything I needed. I moved to the shower, on the ball & that was my sweet spot. First off, I had music going & it helped much more than I thought it would. I chose some piano pieces off iTunes & added some of my favorite Mindy Gledhill songs (highly recommend). She has such a soothing voice & I felt like they might be just what I needed. They were. In fact, in between the contractions I was humming & singing her songs to keep me calm & focused. Also, the lights were down low & I used lots of vocalization (something I previously did NOT think was 'me' or something I would use, but it helped immensely). Then the midwife showed up & she provided the other crucial element--someone who had been through this before, knew what signs to look for & could see that light at the end of the tunnel & propel me toward it. Tony provided the perfect, unflagging emotional & physical support I needed. There were a few times I just didn't know if I could keep doing it & I made the mistake of thinking about the utter relief I felt after getting the epidurals the other times, but then something changed. I feel like God intervened for me & changed my frame of mind. Suddenly I no longer thought about whether or not I could do it, I just focused on doing it, one contraction at a time. That made all the difference. The midwife stepped out to get me some juice & as soon as she left, I knew something was happening. I didn't get that 'overwhelming urge' to push per se, but maybe that's just because I've never felt that particular sensation before. Either way, it was incredible & exciting & scary. My baby was so close & telling myself that (out loud even) helped me keep my mind where it needed to be. I moved to the birthing stool & entered a whole new realm of pain. However, this time it was welcome pain. More progressive, the-end-is-in-sight pain. For some reason the pushing took longer than I thought (maybe just because this time I could feel all that was going on!), but really it only lasted about 30 minutes. When they told me the baby's head was crowning it did feel pretty "fiery," but I had blissful rest from the contractions. In fact, at one point I just wanted to do nothing because it felt so much better than when the contractions were so intense. Eventually some major pain kicked in again & 'convinced' me to keep on pushing. They had me reach down & feel his head (another thing I didn't think I would do!) & when I felt it the 2nd time & could feel how much more head had come out, wow, that was just what I needed. As I really bore down I surprised myself one more time & yelled (?) vocalized (?) through the last pushes. I didn't feel out of control, but the noise just naturally came out & I wasn't fighting it. One more push & then I heard his beautiful cry. At 10:33pm on June 13th, an hour & a half from his 'due' date (2 1/2 hrs from when we got to the hospital) little Rhett was finally here! I simply cannot describe the joy, relief, and total thrill of that moment. Knowing I had done it, and that Tony was there with me. Immediately I was handed mr. miracle himself & kept whispering, "oh, baby, little baby, you're here!" A true, personal miracle that I was blessed to be part of.
Tony is holding my "stay focused" cards that have scriptures & quotes I hoped would help me remember why I wanted to go for a natural birth & give me strength. I read them a lot leading up to the birth, but then just thought about a few of my favorites in the middle of the intensity--it really helped me focus!
Here he is, Rhett Moroni Dayton (Rhett for Tony's brother, Brett & Moroni of course is a BOM name, but also a family name on the Dayton side!), in all his slumbering glory at 7 lbs, 4 oz...my miracle in the flesh! Look closely & you can see his little freckle/birth mark on his forehead...a first for our family. There is also a hint of a dimple by his mouth, that would be fun too!
Our incredible midwife whom we love and adore & are hoping to adopt someday :)
The whole crew the next day (The boys love hospitals...rare t.v. watching, being treated by Nana at the hospital cafeteria & of course, cute new siblings...what could be better?)!
Jenna that was so amazing to read, thank you for sharing! He is darling! Congratulations again!
Yay, he is finally here! I am so excited, I just want to cuddle him. That is so great that you went through with the natural birth- what a woman! :) We love you, and Sienna is excited to have a cousin around her age on the Cobia side of the family.
Hey Jenna! I was blog hopping and found your blog off of Jason Hymas's, and I was so excited to read this post. I am actually a childbirth educator and doula, and am currently compiling uplifting stories about natural childbirth. I would love to use your story and get some more information from you. (Very interested in the focus cards!) Anyways, I know this seems weird and random, but I would appreciate it so much if you emailed me and let me ask you a few questions. Thanks and congrats on #4! What a beautiful family!
Marie (Ingoldsby)
oops! My email is musicbirth@gmail.com
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