Remember THIS post? I sure do. Seems like only yesterday I was wishing for one of those beauties...cause it pretty much was. Then I went to the magical post office & the kitchen fairy paid me a BIG time visit! of these:

Do you hear the heavenly choirs singing? Devin (little bro) really wondered when I immediately pulled it out of the box & started snapping pics...a photo shoot for a kitchen gadget? Nothing but the best for my babies. Seriously though. It's been nearly two years I've been lugging wheat to the church at least once every month so some incredibly kind women could either grind it for me or so I could grind it there at the church. I feel SO grateful to now be able to grind wheat myself--it promptly earned a permanent home in the garage, constantly plugged in & ready to go at a moments notice :) Delayed gratification, I tell you what. So, naturally I said thank you to those fine women with some bread and homemade butter whipped up (literally) in five minutes with kitchen fairy gift #2:

THE Vitamix. Pictured here are the ingredients not for the butter, but THESE awesome babies. Fudge Babies to be precise. Delicioso.
Wondering if we went A.W.O.L. & won the lottery? know how seeming curses can sometimes be big blessings in disguise? At our last place I couldn't accept money for my music students because it was considered a 'business'. It seemed rather tragic at the time (dramatics come quite easily to me). Well, I found out I could give lessons in trade for something else. 6 months-ish later, enter: these two culinary dreams...two things I've been longing for, but would not have been able to buy any time even remotely soon. So go count those curses, they might be your blessings after all! ;)
WAHOO for kitchen fairies!! I'm SOOOO happy you got 2 of the 3 best toys ever. Life will be so much better with them around. By the way, sounds like you should post the recipe for Fudge Babies. Sounds delectable.
That is really exciting! If it makes you feel any better I would have been that excited too. What a treat and how much easier your life will be now without lugging wheat around.
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