Our Christmas Eve seemed to be about food preparations (above is us peeling 30 lbs of potatoes)...& basketball (which if you know my family, isn't the norm)...the family is so big now (extended & such) that this was the first year we decided to have it at the church 2 doors down. So, we trundled off w/ all the fixings & boy, what a feast! My favorite part of the evening was the live 'nativity' we threw together. We had it on the stage, which was the perfect touch I might add. Cousin Hannah played the angel behind the curtain (there was a set of stairs on the stage--perfect for the 'above' effect) ready to fling them open when her presence was needed, Jaydon was the innkeeper, Jyson & cousin Neal were 'wise men' indeed, cousin Rebekah & Savanah were shepherds, & Tony again played the beast -of-burden, though this year Joseph (Spencer) rode (sort of) the donkey because Mary (Meagan) had just given birth & really was in no shape to sit on a moving Tony-donkey across the stage. Nana Cobia was the off-stage assistance to give Baby "Jesus" (though the little boys made sure the bow was OFF her head before taking the stage, since Baby Jesus surely did not wear one!) to Mary when the time was right. It was totally awesome.



Christmas Eve & the next morning were spent w/ my family & then we headed off for "Part 2" on Christmas day w/Tony's family.
Tradition: ALL siblings sleep in the same room (spouses were invited :)...luckily my parents' renters were thoughtful enough to move out of the apartment (attached to the house) in time for all of us to sleep there Christmas Eve. Meagan was a trooper...she slept husband-less in the other room with 1 week-old Sienna! This pic is the morning of, when we're wondering if it was such a good idea for all us old-adults to sleep on the floor all night...& the spouses were wondering what kind of family they married into
Tradition: wait-in-the-hall-lined-up-youngest-to-oldest-for-FOREVER-while-the-fire-is-being-built
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