Lest you are unable to tell, the boys are on top of the kitchen table...that mess goes a few feet deep! You see, I didn't want to seal all the boxes just to unseal them almost immediately so once the furniture was shoved in we realized the problem with that--you can't stack open boxes very well, thus creating this lovely picture. Oh, baby, I was SO grateful for the two free meals offered to us for the next two nights (one of which was Sunday so we didn't do any unpacking, "Yeah, uh, where do we sit, Mom?)
Luckily, that mess provided great incentive to get unpacked & I'm ecstatic to (b)log that within two (working) days the majority of the house was under control. Ahhhh, order...Our favorite thing about this little townhouse is that it has a vaulted ceiling in the living room with a balcony/'playroom' making it seem like a bigger, more cohesive living space. Oh, yes, & the orange formica in the kitchen. That's my other fav'rite...
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