We start out October right with this guy's birthday. You wouldn't guess it by this fabulous picture, but he turned 35 this year! We're all in awe more & more each year of all the things he's capable of: making us laugh when we're all grumpy, sound effects/voices, stunts, all-around entertainment and of course...look at that hair, wow.

Still going strong on his 'no refined sugar' goal, we had this fresh peach pie & his fave berry ice-cream. The boys bought him the cartoon DVD "The Justice League," I got him a desired palm pilot ($10, thanks again Craigslist) since he's trying to organize things a bit more, as well as a few foodie-type surprises as he woke up & went throughout the day & of course we went on an official date to celebrate. Tony, seriously, you're the BEST!
We had such a fun Halloween season...we hosted a Buddy Party where each 'big kid' did all the party festivities with a 'little' kid & it was a blast (thanks Ginny for taking the amazing pictures)! Then we were invited to a friend's party, then the ward trunk-or-treat & Tony & I ended it out going to our friend's party (it was SO awesome!!). Can't wait for next year :)
1 comment:
These are the cutest kids!! Love 'em! Those costumes are great! Ari's face makes me laugh, and I just want to squeeze that little monkey boy. Pretty good drama with the bubs, too! Looks like everyone had fun.
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