And big-time thanks goes to a family in our ward for the blessing outfit--I had planned for him to wear the same one Rhett & Jaydon wore (my mom made it), but it's location has still yet to be discovered--normally it's been in the hope chest, but maybe in the move I relocated it?? Grr...
At 2 months:
-He is finding his voice.
-He smiles all the time!
-He loves to follow faces intently
-After 3 days in a row where I seriously thought he was giving up sleep all together he started getting better & better with his days...he can put himself to sleep without any props pretty well, though he still likes the swaddle.
-He has a bedtime usually about 7pm and was doing really great, sleeping longer and longer at night--even until 4am! Unfortunately, that didn't last, but he usually only gets up twice/night.
-With more awareness he's becoming pretty chill (unless of course he's hungry!)
-We're hearing the hints of a laugh!
-He rolled over three times from tummy to back right in a row but doesn't like his tummy enough to do it again
-I discovered he has a tongue-tie so we're going to have to take him in to get it check out (and the raised bump is still there on his ankle too). I didn't notice it before because he hasn't had any issues with eating at all!
-Ari especially has taken to him--she will pick you up (whether I like it or not) every.chance.she.gets!!

And though I forgot to get a big group photo with everyone who showed up for dessert after the blessing, here's a couple of us :)

And thanks Mom, for catching a few pics I didn't know you were getting :) Especially that last one! I never have very many pictures with my kiddos, usually since I'm the one taking them so I'm always excited to have a couple good ones, especially with my newborns!
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