Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Maeser in pictures

And now the pictures you'll appreciate so much more if you chose to read my mini-book up there :)

Not proud of this one, but hey, I was in pain. I'm getting out the snacks for the ladies coming to help birth our babe when Tony walked in and snapped this beauty.

The birthing suite (well, the bathroom was, this was labor and recovery :)

In the Hypnobabies zone

And then there's this huuge gap...I didn't get one single picture of me in the bathtub or the first few minutes after he was born and I will forever regret it!! I had everything else so set up and organized, but the most important thing--who is supposed to take the 'right after' pics? I didn't ask anyone so alas, there aren't any :(

And honestly, the rest are pretty dark and blurry, but at least I have some! It was such a beautiful night!

See the little head in there?

weird glare on my weird-looking face, but look at Maeser--so tiny and new!!

The team!

Handing him back to me

The next morning

2 days old:

a visit from Spence & Meagan and some adorable clothes!

More new Maeser:

Nana let me stay down 100% for 3 whole days!! And then limited walking after that to truly recover--wow, better than any hospital stay, that's for sure!

family couch 'nap'

Nana date with Rhett

Macey's for all

she took my kiddos and Meagan's Sienna by herself to music time--that is a feat!

and the park...

more moments...

all on dad

classic ari attitude

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