"She's coming, I feel it right here..."
Ariana('ah-ree-ahn-a' :) Clapier Dayton has arrived at a healthy 7 lbs, 7 oz & 20 in. Look at all that lovely hair!
Sleeping--she's so good at it!
Layin out...
Happy Daddy, happy baby--look at those chub cheeks! We love her sooo much already!
Nana's newest pride and joy
She's here she's here! My doctor stripped my membranes yesterday (on my due date, my Mom having arrived late the night before) & within a couple hours I was having contractions 5 minutes apart. We rushed home to pick up the boys 40 minutes from the doctor's office, got them, rushed back & I was admitted to the hospital dilated to a 4. I had to have my IV started right away with Pencillin because I tested positive for the Strep B bacteria, but luckily she didn't come too soon (9 hours start to finish) so it allowed the antibiotics to do their job. I really wanted to see if I was tough enough to do it all naturally, but at a 7 I thought I was going to die & after waiting over an hour for the anesthesiologist (he had 3 C-sections in a row to do poor guy, & poor WOMEN) I was SURE I was going to die--but I didn't! I didn't get any pain meds that go to the baby, but I did get an epidural the last hour of labor that was pretty darn nice. I could feel my legs & feet just fine, but I also had an amazing "hot spot" where I could feel the intense contractions, just not all over my body so it was doable. Right as the epidural was kicking in the doctor checked me--I was a complete 10! I pushed 3 times and she was out! She did have some meconium, but all seems to be fine. She is a great nurser & seems so content & peaceful. I feel so blessed and giddy that our baby is here! I think Tony is still in shock (he watched the whole thing) :) The boys will be meeting her shortly...