10. ) You look something like this:
9.) Your doctor keeps asking you when you'd like to have your baby (uh, now?) & offers you to be induced...tempting, but no...
8.) You start blogging several times a week (when that's NOT your norm) just to get your mind off the question, "when will I go into labor??"
7.) You lift heavy things on purpose, and do other 'forbidden' or not-as-enjoyable-because-of-the-size-issue-activities you've been avoiding for the last month (we went swimming today & bike-riding yesterday) HOPING it will trigger the go-into-labor 'button' in your body
6.) Nesting is complete: baby clothes washed, crib assembled, quickie-dinners are ready for Daddy to make the new-siblings-to-be, plan A & B provisions for kids are in place in case of emergency/middle-of-the-night labor, etc., refresher birthing course taken for newbie 'Tony' taken, & bags are packed & ready to go...
5.) You look at other babies & just sigh contentedly & excitedly...then wrinkle up your face in worry as you think about all that is coming...then REPEAT (swing-emotions, ladies?)
4.) You are dilated to a 2-3 & your doctor uses words like "mushy, soft, squishy" to describe your cervix--awesome!
3.) Things like standing up become more of a comedy routine for others to see (and back pain for you!) than the seemingly simple act it should be
2.) Your husband looks at you and says lovingly, "wow, that's amazing" while staring with wide eyes at your bulging belly
1.) And #1...you've grown out of most of your maternity clothes & you clap your hands with glee when you realize in a short while you won't have to wear them again for some time--hooray for pregnancy & the miracle of birth!!!!!!!!!
Jenna your so funny! Hang in there, she will be here before you know it! The day Spencer was born I was soooo happy not to be pregnant anymore :)
I can't wait to see her. I hope that everything goes great with her delivery!
Good luck with everything - I hope she hurrys and gets here. These little stinkers are definately in control of things aren't they? Cant wait to see pics of her.
Jenna, don't forget Point 1.5--you can't see your feet, but that's okay because they are so swollen they look like elephant's legs and feet--you'd just rather not see the depressing sight!
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