Here is our naked the Plymouth Plantation the Native Americans dress authentically, but they will answer questions normally, like they are from our time to give greater perspective, while doing actual work from the time period (this guy is making a canoe). The Pilgrims are dressed authentically & answer all questions like they are actually from that historical time period. It was pretty neat. They farm in the mornings, & all do work from that actual time period (fix roofs, farm work, cooper-work, chop wood, etc.) to keep the village running.
Here is what most believe is "Plymouth Rock." It is approximately where the Pilgrims landed.
Here is the actual Plymouth "rock" now in a cage below the reach of fingers because I guess the size has dwindled over time from too much luv'n.
And...The Mayflower!
Wow, what a fantastic trip! I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are feeling, if you've found a place to live, if your anxious/nervous/excited about baby girl Daytons arrival...I miss you!
What a great trip! I love visiting places like that. I hope that you guys are getting settled and keep us posted on your new home and baby girl!
You're cute. I'm feeling WONDERFUL this time around. How bout you? Sounds like a great trip. Take care of yourself over there.
Jenna!!! Thank you so so much for leaving a comment on my blog! I was really hoping to see you (and a lot of other people) at the reunion. Look at your beautiful little family! Lots going on, but you look happy and well! We moved 3 weeks before having Kayden and it was stressful, but also kind of nice because I didn't know anyone yet and wasn't stressed about people dropping by! I have missed you.... Thanks again for finding me!
How fun! Thanks for sharing all the pictures!
I can't believe your baby is due so soon! It's amazing how fast someone else's pregnancy goes! You look beautiful and happy!
So glad to see you are doing well. The boys sure have grown :). It was sure a trip going through pictures on your blog. Cant wait to hear when you have the baby. Our new little one is lots of fun. He is 5 days old now haha. He has been good and easy so far. I hear it will change soon haha.
You are such a great person and you sure look happy, you deserve it! Your husband looks like an amazing guy which makes you perfect for each other forsure. Keep intouch. We will watch for your blog updates.
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