Columbus, Ohio temple trip...we were all in the car before I realized we didn't get a picture in front & ALL the boys begged for me to just snap one of it all by its glorious self. I obliged.

Little dude sucking away on that thumb (he liked it for about a month, but doesn't seem to be pursuing the habit--can't say I'm sorry...he's content enough without ANYTHING so I am thrilled)

We brought everyone to the temple, reserved a couple rooms in the stake center that's about 100 feet from the temple & then switched off. This stake center is much-loved so we decided to leave it better than we found it & did some sorely needed cleaning of all the doors & such. Jyson was pretty sicked out--just look at that face :)

Grabill fair...but this is the only of the pet parade. The reason? Jyson & I were at home because he had a serious crick in his neck...the poor kid couldn't even move without loads of water leaking from his eyes. It was really sad.
Jaydon's experiment to see if our acorns would sprout. I am sad to say they did not, but it did lead them to another experiment...of their own volition they poured the nasty who-knows-how-old water into our new Brita to test it out. I am happy (?) to report (& they were ecstatic to see) that the water did indeed come out scintillating & clear. I, however, was still unsure how I felt about drinking that 'reformed' water.

Ari loves to back up her little booty into whoever's lap is available...usually without looking more than once behind her to make sure they're still there when she plops down.

Devin & Tony got to go on a tour of & get a free meal from Steak n' Shake courtesy of the boys' scout leader who is a manager there so here they are w/ their new church/scout pal.

Our own 'Dairy Sweet' cafe...they have this slightly creepy dude dressed up in a different outfit almost every day. The first time I saw him I was sure he was was of those frozen-mime-dudes. And in the back-ground is a giant-sized sundae put in a boat & made from ?insulation stuff?

Making wheat-meat w/ Dev & Ari. They both got an education, but only Ari was in the picture.
1 comment:
What is wheat-meat? Sounds interesting & healthy. I always feel a little guilty grilling up brown beef cause I know it's bad.
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